Saturday, May 10, 2008

big update

I've noticed I haven't updated this site in a few months. I mainly use facebook to contact everyone about my pregnancy and end up forgetting about this site. Here are a few entries taken from facebook:

we still don't know what the sex of the baby is. it wouldn't cooperate. it stood still for like one second (enough time for us to see it having hiccups!). she said that she thinks it's a girl b/c she didn't see anything. and you usually can see 2 "masses" on the bone sonogram if it's a boy. but again it wouldn't stay still. brandon is going for a girl, but i'm holding out till we know for sure next month on may 15th.

the doctor's appointment when great today. our little baby is still growing like a weed! it has doubled in size and LOVES sleeping. i'm going to have to start eating something with caffeine when i go in for future doctor's appointments to wake it up so the doctor can look all around it. it moves some on it's own, i just think it sleeps late (like it's momma) and our appointments are always around 8 in the morning. today the doctor nudged it to make it move a little and it woke up just like a grown human being. it arched it's back and stretched it's legs out and raised it's arms above it's head like it was just waking up from a long nights rest. then it crossed it's legs at the ankles, tucked it's legs into it's chest, and shifted it's hands to the side of it's face like it was switching sleeping positions! it's so much fun watching it move. it started sucking it's thumb infront of us too! it already has such a big personality! and it does not like being woken up or touched while it's sleeping (like it's daddy). after about 10 minutes of the doctor pushing it around it rolled over and turned it's back on us! it had enough of her. the doctor called it "monello" which means naughty little baby. i think it was just being smart. so baby is healthy and momma is healthy.